Melty Kiss Brownies

Brownies are usually either cake like or fudge like. I like mine with crispy top and soft centers. But have you seen one with a melted center? I thought this concept is pretty similar to the molten cake where the middle was left raw. But the ladies at NCC are real genius, they make a typical brownies batter and layer the middle with chocolate chunk pieces. The result? A melted center that just burst in your nouth once your teeth sinks into these babies.

As usual, I only use imported french butter and intense dark valrhona chocolate in this brownies, and the result is magnificent!

If you'd like to have a taste of these babies at the highest quality:
Rp. 135,000 (1 brownies tray = 13x 24 cm)

This is what the brownies looks like whole:

If you give it to friends and family, don't let the secret out! Let them be surprised as the melted insides burst in their mouths and the smooth chocolate trickle down their throats.


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Charenn29 said...

yummy post

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